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Welcome to CASA!

A home for everyone to play the beautiful game no matter their background, gender identity, or skill level!


is a non-profit organization run for players, by players, that delivers high-quality, affordable soccer for all. The CASA community of soccer players is the largest independent amateur soccer league in the region. We offer year-round organized soccer throughout Philadelphia, South Jersey, Lancaster & Boston - with leagues that cater to all skill levels. CASA now offers 11v11, 7v7, & 5v5 leagues and tournaments for all! Games are played on quality artificial turf fields with certified referees. Our mission is to conduct affordable adult soccer that is inclusive, and diverse and will positively impact our communities.

CASA Expansion

CASA is always looking to expand our leagues and tournaments to new areas through motivated individuals and / or organizations. Reach out to us with inquiries! 

Find more info HERE.

Send us your Matchday pics and highlight videos and we will share them on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts!

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